Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A new week! A new adventure!

Yesterday I went to the soup kitchen to help at the BBQ. There were a lot of volunteers there and it was cool to see how some of them have built relationships with the regulars who come to the soup kitchen.
In the afternoon I went to the PB* to hang out and talk to people. We met a guy from the Congo who has been in Canada since 2002. It was neat to hear that after high school, he taught primary school in his town for five years because they were really short on teachers and he was a smart guy. We also met another guy with a couple tattoos who couldn't catch his bus (he actually had to run to the next stop before the bus got there). He's only been here since last August and he works as a cook at the hotel and now his friend is teaching him how to DJ.
After supper I was able to talk to a good friend of the team who had just received some really bad news about his brother. He was shaken up about it but was calmer than he had been in the morning. Later that night he sent us a text thanking us for our prayers. It has been really neat this summer to see relationships grow and how many youth we have been able to attract to the center through the summer programs.

- Amanda

*slang for the Provincial Building

I have essentially become a shut in, after a fashion. Ok, maybe that is a little melodramatic, but I have spent a lot of time recently in front of a computer. I spent Monday morning at home helping out Lukas and spending hours trying to find a font online. Have you ever tried to match fonts? As in, you have a font in an image, don't know the name of the font, and then try to find it online? Challenging work. Yet such was the challenge before me as I tried to find the King's Kids font, a quest which as ultimately successful... albeit in a fashion which makes me feel like an idiot. As in, it was the very first font on the very first page in the search...
I suppose I should clarify what exactly I am talking about. On top of all of our street work and various volunteer responsibilities, there is a small group on the team who are busy working away on computer work: documenting the trip in video format, creating graphics for pamphlets and cards as well as designs for the Kaos Cafe at the up-coming InterPlay festival, and in my case, building the new King's Kids Promotions website. So look for that in the beginning for August!

- Mike

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