Thursday, July 3, 2008

It Rained Today!!!! LIGHTNING!!!!

So Wednesday we started electives for the kids which run out of the Dugout. I only had two guitars and need one myself so I could only teach one at a time. Not that there was a huge amount of interest or anything. I taught one lesson in the morning and one in the afternoon for about an hour and a half each with breaks and stuff. Making kids who have never played before play for long amounts of time is sooo not fun because those poor kids with their callousless fingers can`t handle the pain. I don't know if that sentence makes any sense, but oh well. I only do guitar lessons once during each music week so that won't be a big issue. The rest of the time I am doing drama. No kids have shown up for the morning session yet today but we will see about the afternoon. Amanda and I, being the awesome team that we are for Ink Speaks, are co-running the drama elective. Actually we spend most of Wednesday transcribing (when we were running electives) so we have definitely spent a lot of time together over the last week.

SO that is pretty much it so far. I am pretty boring these last few days. Just sit in my room in a dark corner, concentrate on my breathing, draw on myself in permanent marker... sometimes people will come and sit a plate of food in front of me and I may or may not eat it... I braid and unbraid the front pieces of my hair... Not much to my life really...

(Yes, that is an entirely last paragraph is a lie...)

- Sarah

I am starting to really get used to the schedules now and was able to hit the streets and get some tattoo stories done for the first time. All in all a good day I'd say.

- Jay

Hello people of the world! So, I totally could write about yesterday, but... I think that seeing as this is my first week here, I should probably talk about first impressions. Which were awesome!!!! I had an awesomely unique opportunity to see Fort McMurray that the others were denied. Mostly because I got to fly up here. And I mean, even with some of the negative things you hear about Fort Mac, seeing it from the air - with the sun pseudo-setting over a vast expanse of trees separated by a rift in the earth - well; it kind of disperses any negativity and makes a really, really good first impression. The other good first impressions-ness was that you can buy Coca-cola in glass bottles, lol. No, there are some really cool people here that I have met so far - Kayla as one example - and some really cool people that I hope to meet. Clowning around on Canada Day for 8 hours was also cool, as an aside. L-O-L.

Anyways, on to yesterday... we - Hannah, Jay and I - went to clean up "Humpty Dumpty", so named because it is by the Humpty Dumpty chip factory or something like that. Essentially, some heavy lifting and quick cleaning of a tonne of garbage. It was hot, but it was fun.

Oh! Quick story as an aside. I get to Keyano and I have like a bottle of water or something. And then I spend the next 10 minutes looking for a recycling bin. Which was apparently crazy of me because they don't recycle here. Go figure, eh?

PS. Today is America's birthday... and also Ailin's !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

- Mike

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