Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Yesterday was slow in the morning but picked up when lots of the regulars came in. Schylar is going to sing in interplay and has been practicing her heart out and sounds amazing! She's really nervous though and had a bit of a break down but we assured her she'd do awesomely! I have been so impressed by her courage and she's really an inspiration to me. I taught her how to make hemp bracelets and she's been making them non-stop and is really proud of them. She learns really quickly and has been excited to learn new things the whole time she's been here. She's also excited to help clean, which for a 12 year old I would say is a bit of a shocker but not for her. She likes helping and being with people. I helped Kayla with her newsletter about the Dugout and it looks good :o) I'd say we make a pretty good team. There have been lots of improvements in attitudes of kids here and many are showing more respect. We've been broken into 7 times since we've been here, but the kids here have the same fun they always have and think that it's dumb for people to wreck this place! I agree whole-heartedly and am mostly just excited that their spirits haven't been broken. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to these kids.
Last Thursday was also cool. Jen and I got to take a man, David, to detox - what an experience! He was really open to hearing what we had to say and actually started the conversation by asking us if we could get him to detox. Pretty stinkin' cool! It renewed my hope and was just cool to see where it was and all that.
The days are getting busier!

- Seana

Ok, so am I allowed to say that yesterday was ridiculous? Because it was. Yesterday was a hugely busy day. We finally started work on our various interPLAY stage needs: Rona kindly donated a tonne of stuff to us to put together the backdrop and fencing stuff for the Cafe, so Jay and I spent the morning with Rick and Sarah Kirschner at Rona shopping for spray paint and regular paint. Then in the afternoon I helped to prime the boards we are using for our backdrop. It was fun, if a lot of work.
The major, major work is today though. Meetings with the mayor, meetings about interPLAY, helping Alan and Vicky - two of the Kaos workers - move, painting the design... on top of our regular work. But more about that tomorrow.
I can't believe that our time here is almost done. Some of the kids here we are really going to miss, as well as many of the other fantastic people we have met here. I can only hope that whatever impact we have made now continues to carry on even after we have left.

- Mike
Dei Gratia

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