Tuesday, August 19, 2008

... on the road again, for the third time, for the second time

So, I have decided that I should explain what exactly was up with the car so that those who are mechanically inclined don't totally freak out with us continuing to drive a car who's engine overheated. Because normally when an engine overheats, its dead. That is what happened to the van on the way up; it overheated and the engine cracked. This time however, the engine was not in that bad shape. The scenario was this: for some reason or other, the electrical system on the car blinked just long enough that the control for the fan blew out. Fans stop working, engine heat rockets up, Hannah sees the gauge go up, everybody pulls over. The end. The nice mechanics who pulled over to help us suggested that by leaving the hood open a little, the air flowing through would keep the engine cool, which it did. Which the people in the car didn't realize, leading to a long stretch of us following Bill at 35 on the shoulder of the road. We still made it to Manitoba in good time (once that slow-driving thing was remedied... though it wasn't just the fault of the people in the car. We were being cautious in general).

So, the drive yesterday. We had about an extra hour of time to make up - which we didn't - and two cars to fix. Did I mention that the brakes on the van needed work?? ;o) We were blessed that on the drive down to Winnipeg we were able to stop at a random auto-wreckers in Minnedosa and fix up the car and then found a GM dealer in Portage la Prairie who not only got us in to fix the van as soon as we got there, but also had it fixed up in 25 minutes. Well taken care of, we are. Thus were we able to continue on in our otherwise uneventful journey. Yes, the breakdown has really been the most standout part of the trip back thus far, and we have managed not to kill each other yet. Yet. We haven't been able to switch people up in vehicles, so that means that we have spent the last three days in a small, enclosed, slightly claustrophobic space with the same people. The car has been doing pretty well, amusing themselves with little games and Sarah's insane ability to rack up the Clumsiness Points. Last night we in the van were finally able to hit on one activity we could all agree on: comedy. With two laptops, something like five mp3 players/iPods and a number of CD's, there was plenty of Bill Enghart, Steven Wright and Jim Carrey to go around. For hours. It was awesome! Hopefully that positive energy carries over today...
So we did finally make it to Thunder Bay. At one in the morning. But it wasn't that bad sleeping on that church floor, and we are raring to get to Bruce Mines.

As I'm typing this, we are held up in a huge traffic line waiting for construction.

Its good to be back in Ontario.

- Mike
Dei Gratia

Sunday, August 17, 2008

... the breakdown, part 2

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, that is correct. In sadistic symmetry, our beloved Mailun has broken down. Not just in a regular breakdown, however; the engine overheated much in the same fashion the van did on the way up. Not all is bad, however. Hannah, our brilliant driver at the time, was watching her gauges and caught the temperature red-lining within instants. Thus was disaster averted. Also luckily - or more accurately, thanks to God - a pair of mechanics stopped to help and assess the situation. So, with the situation safe and under control, we have bravely limped our way into Manitoba! Not quite to the location we were hoping to reach, but not that far off distance wise. It was a long day of driving today, and will be another long haul tomorrow from our current location in Russell, Manitoba to Thunderbay, Ontario - yet we will make it.
Keep praying for our safety and that we will make it home in good time with no more car issues. To those praying for us; your support is felt and appreciated by the entire team!

- Mike
Dei Gratia

... going, going


So, after three months here in Fort MAc, we are headed back to Ontario! That's right, we have commenced our fantastical five day journey back home.
Leaving was... well, difficult. There are a lot of really cool people in Fort McMurray that we have built relationships with and area going to miss greatly. People like Kayla, Genevieve, all the kids, Brandon, Brandon, Brandon (we met a LOT of Brandons...), and Daniel and Danielle. We will miss them all. Thursday and Friday were our goodbye days, first having a thank-you dinner with the people who sponsored us and then a huge party with the kids and all our friends. It was amazing, tearful and poignant. I don't think we will ever lose that little bit of Fort Mac left with us.
Our driving so far has been uneventful; no car breakdowns, no uber traffic. The U-haul proved to be a little more challenging to ring than we first thought, but we are getting along well with it. We have already crossed over into Saskatchewan and are ready to haul over to Manitoba.
So, tha;s all for now. Keep praying for us, and we'll be home soon!
- Mike
Dei Gratia

Monday, August 11, 2008

... over

Exhausted. That is a pretty fair way to sum up the state of the team right now. Exhausted and yet... excited. Happy. Pick an adjective.

interPLAY is over, and it was pretty darn fantastic. We ran our own little stage - the "Kaos Kreative Cafe" - and it was the talk of he weekend. And when I say talk I mean our small, little area was packed with people. It was really cool. We had a lot of really high-quality acts performing so that there was no down time. And the acts covered a really wide variety of genres of music. We had some country acts, straight up acoustic guitar, rock bands, a worship band, a really cool DJ... to much fun to handle. Some of the team members also got involved in some of the acts as well to show off teir talents. Made me wish I had brought my clarinet...

We also preformed the Lifehouse skit five times this weekend, bringing the total number of time prefomed up to ten. It was really cool though because each time we did it at the Cafe (twice each night) the place was packed with people. We had some really positive feedback about it and it looked as if it really touched some of the people we have really been praying for.

Overall, even though it was a lot of hard work to set it up and decorate and do all the little detail things, it was a totally awsome and fun weekend. A good way to spend our last one here. Yes people, that is correct. In just over four days we will be heading home.

In fact, some of our team is already headed out. Yesterday we said goodbye to Jenn, who was headed off to BC to start a west-coast journey that is taking her down to California. And today Jay headed back home to Ontario so that he could make it back in time to start work at another camp. So now the team is down to twelve and we will miss our team-mates greatly.

- Mike
Dei Gratia

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Yesterday was slow in the morning but picked up when lots of the regulars came in. Schylar is going to sing in interplay and has been practicing her heart out and sounds amazing! She's really nervous though and had a bit of a break down but we assured her she'd do awesomely! I have been so impressed by her courage and she's really an inspiration to me. I taught her how to make hemp bracelets and she's been making them non-stop and is really proud of them. She learns really quickly and has been excited to learn new things the whole time she's been here. She's also excited to help clean, which for a 12 year old I would say is a bit of a shocker but not for her. She likes helping and being with people. I helped Kayla with her newsletter about the Dugout and it looks good :o) I'd say we make a pretty good team. There have been lots of improvements in attitudes of kids here and many are showing more respect. We've been broken into 7 times since we've been here, but the kids here have the same fun they always have and think that it's dumb for people to wreck this place! I agree whole-heartedly and am mostly just excited that their spirits haven't been broken. I am not looking forward to saying goodbye to these kids.
Last Thursday was also cool. Jen and I got to take a man, David, to detox - what an experience! He was really open to hearing what we had to say and actually started the conversation by asking us if we could get him to detox. Pretty stinkin' cool! It renewed my hope and was just cool to see where it was and all that.
The days are getting busier!

- Seana

Ok, so am I allowed to say that yesterday was ridiculous? Because it was. Yesterday was a hugely busy day. We finally started work on our various interPLAY stage needs: Rona kindly donated a tonne of stuff to us to put together the backdrop and fencing stuff for the Cafe, so Jay and I spent the morning with Rick and Sarah Kirschner at Rona shopping for spray paint and regular paint. Then in the afternoon I helped to prime the boards we are using for our backdrop. It was fun, if a lot of work.
The major, major work is today though. Meetings with the mayor, meetings about interPLAY, helping Alan and Vicky - two of the Kaos workers - move, painting the design... on top of our regular work. But more about that tomorrow.
I can't believe that our time here is almost done. Some of the kids here we are really going to miss, as well as many of the other fantastic people we have met here. I can only hope that whatever impact we have made now continues to carry on even after we have left.

- Mike
Dei Gratia

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Rainy Days

It has been raining like mad here for the last couple of days. It has been really cool because there have been some awesome sun-showers, but unfortunately the rain has had some downsides as well. Take for example the graffiti cleanup we were supposed to have on Saturday. Rained out. Not cool. So we have been rescheduled for Monday. As in, the day after our weekend of interPLAY craziness. As in, we will all be dead tired on Tuesday. But it should really be awesome. Melody and Hannah are currently working on the backdrop for the Kaos Kreative Cafe (don't worry, we were concerned about the name as well...lol) which should be really cool because we are doing a huge graffiti-like paint job for it. Somewhat ironic considering we are cleaning up graffiti, but this is on hige pieces of plywood and it should all be fairly decent.

It is actually going to be really cool... intePLAY that is. We actually have a lot of people and you getting involved in it from outside of the team. Actually, we are seeing a lot of youth getting involved in our activities in general. We have youth going to the Salvation Army food wagon with us, and to the soup kitchen/bbq at Fellowship Baptist as well. It is really neat to see these guys, who usually don't do a whole lot, getting active in the community. This, I think, is probably one of the more important things we are doing: connecting youth to activities and volunteer opportunities they may not have known existed.

That's it for me, for now.
- Mike

ps. The King's Kids site is now up!!!

Friday, August 1, 2008

the capital E

Hey! what's up everybody? I know I haven't done a blog in quite awhile so here it is! I've been running into a lot of problems with the 3rd part of the Kaos Repo Co Documentary lately which has been a little frustrating but I'm sure the video will be completed in just a little while! I've also began working with a Canon GL2 Camcorder so the video will look quite a bit better than the first couple of parts. I've also ordered a new macbook for college that will help me with a little bit with working-on-the-go. I've been helping Kaos Radio with some on-air stuff, just covering the afternoon DJ if he needs to take a day off. Other than that there's not too much else going on. Thanks to everyone for your prayers for the team and I hope you all are having an amazing summer!

~Lukas Stevens~

Hey everybody! Promises, promises, I know. Things here have have been really crazy as we near the edn of our trip which is in *shock!* two weeks!!! Time has just flown by! But enough about how busy we are gearing up for our second graffiti cleanup tomorrow or interPLAY which is in a week; lets talk about... Edmonton!!! Specifically the West Edmonton Mall which we spent three - yes THREE - of our four days at. While the mall is huge and has some really awesome things in it, three days had even the most shop-a-holic girls worn out. That being said, we didn't spend three full days in the mall, we also hit up some other sweet spots as well. Like on Saturday, when a group of us went to Whyte Avenue to go to a farmers market and just wander around. Whyte Ave. was cool because it had a very old-school, artsy feel to it - a feeling heightened by the eclectic nature of the shops. While the girls were out shopping, Jay and I (Lukas and Bill opted into an early start at the mall for some reason... lol) were completely distracted by the amount of good, artistic graffiti covering the area. And so we set out on a graffiti walk. We found many cool pieces of art, but the walk was capped when we found an entire wall done up in a giant graffiti mural by about 12 different artists. It was way cool! The girls had a fun time shopping and even managed to get me to buy some things and all in all it was a fairly restful weekend.

- Mike

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Hey, ok.
So here is the latest exciting news!
Kayla is *sniff* leaving us today to go on vacation to... Ontario!! As her birthday is coming up, we piggy-backed a dinner she was having with a few of her friends (we were invited, actually) and had an awesome time with our (not so) secret birthday card of awesomeness and her wearing giant moose antlers. It was very amusing. Not to mention that some of the... older... members of our team were, well, causing a little bit of mischief with some ice. I have decided that the next time Bill and Rick are sitting at a table together, Cathy will need to separate them, lol.

It was also a pretty exciting day at the dugout with quite a bit of action. I'm not sure if I can really go into the details, but suffice to say there were some very amusing developments on Friday's break-in here at the Dugout. The fifth break-in so far. I don't believe anything was taken, but it was still an irritation.

I, sadly, was removed from most of the action because I was doing some work at home with Lukas on the various video projects we have on the go. The exciting thing for us, however, was that we got to voice track for Kaos. As in, Lukas and I did the entire afternoon show AND the top 7 @ 7. We had so much fun doing that!!! I can see why it takes a certain personality to has radio though; it is kind of hard to just jump in on the breaks and get the song/ artist names right on th first try. It was sweet though.

Tomorrow should be exciting as well... we have a graffiti clean up on the go... though this is merely the warmup to next Saturday's city-wide cleanup event. And, I have to be honest here, things are tensing up a little as we get closer to August and the interPLAY festival. Luckily, we get to chill for a bit in Edmonton this weekend, an event I know the girls at least are stoked for.

- Mike

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Anime-ted Conversation

I was really encouraged today when Bill came to fetch me in the Staff Room. Why would that be encouraging, you ask? Well, as much as everyone loves Bill, it wasn't his presence that warmed the cockles of my heart – it was the message he carried: "Domenic's here for you." Domenic happens to be a crazy fun, 13 year old lad that I met precisely a week ago. Last week had been the time of the Art Elective; and last Thursday was actually the day that Leah was in charge of the Art Elective (teaching people how to make stellar bracelets). However, that happened to be the first day of the entire week that I'd had anyone come and draw with me. Let me take you back…

I was wandering rather aimlessly, that Thursday morning, when I saw Sarah drawing and talking with a boy at the Art Table. "Sweet!" I thought to myself. "I need to get in on this deal!" The boy was Domenic. I recognized him as the boy I'd seen the day before talking to Adam and Leah near the Basketball Court. Domenic, Sarah and I drew for a little bit and then Sarah was called away to go do Ink Speaks stuff. Domenic and I weren't talking for long before we discovered with no little excitement that Domenic and I both watch anime, and happen to have almost all of the same favourite shows: InuYasha, Naruto, Avatar: The Last Airbender, (he doesn't like One Piece but he respects that I'm in love with it), Full Metal Alchemist and Pokemon (some of which I've seen, but only the Old School episodes). Needless to say, we were pretty much insta-friends from that moment on. We chatted, drew, laughed, and discussed the finer points of various anime episodes in glorious detail. Our conversation was also spiced with more serious topics. Domenic told me all about how he used to bully people, until one day he realized that the people he was bullying were just like him.

The next day (Friday), Domenic showed up at the Dugout again – this time he brought a friend: a boy named Mitchell, with a Nintendo DS permanently fixed to his hand. So, today, when Bill tapped my shoulder and announced that Domenic was looking for me, it brought a smile to my face. I found him outside the Staff Room door and he quickly informed me that Mitchell would also be making a reappearance and I certainly hope that the pair of them make many more appearances in the future.


Image by FlamingText.com

Image by FlamingText.com

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sun, Ink

Amanda and I have been going out to different locations every day to engage people and do some tattoo stories, but it has been pretty stressful at times. We have a hard time finding people who have the time and and willing to talk to us, but they are getting done slowly. It helps that Jay is now also doing stories. We have definitely met some interesting people, both with many tattoos and some with only one. Yesterday, we talk to Lauren, a reporter who interviewed us and then we talked to her about her single tattoo as well. She is actually quite interested in knowing when I am getting my tattoo, which will hopefully be within the next week or so! I am super excited, but also pretty scared. But I think it will help my connection with people because they see that I do have something in common with them. I have felt like a fraud because I do Tattoo Stories but don't even have one myself. So that is pretty much where I am at right now: tying to stay on top of transcribing while figuring out how I am going to fit my own tattooing appointment in with it all. AND I am doing electives again next week.

- Sarah

Officially, this trip is perhaps the most disorienting I have ever been on. In a good way. The days are just so packed with stuff that they all seem to blend together in a massive, oozing, pulsing tangle of memories. Like the day we moved out of Keyano. That day was long enough to feel like two days. And Canada Day was pretty long as well. For the first two full days, I felt was if an entire week had gone by. Same things seems to be happening here. I doesn't help, I suppose, that the sun goes down really, really late. But meh.
So, Tuesday was a Tuesday kind of day. Y' know, the kind of day that is just there. Kids came into the Dugout, we hung out. Had a super long debrief in the evening. Day to day stuff. I spent most of the day coding... finishing the new King's Kids layout and beginning to adapt it for the blog that is accompanying it. That is a bit of a daunting task. I have reams of data to go through, edit, delete, change... all in all, an enjoyable challenge.


- Mike

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A new week! A new adventure!

Yesterday I went to the soup kitchen to help at the BBQ. There were a lot of volunteers there and it was cool to see how some of them have built relationships with the regulars who come to the soup kitchen.
In the afternoon I went to the PB* to hang out and talk to people. We met a guy from the Congo who has been in Canada since 2002. It was neat to hear that after high school, he taught primary school in his town for five years because they were really short on teachers and he was a smart guy. We also met another guy with a couple tattoos who couldn't catch his bus (he actually had to run to the next stop before the bus got there). He's only been here since last August and he works as a cook at the hotel and now his friend is teaching him how to DJ.
After supper I was able to talk to a good friend of the team who had just received some really bad news about his brother. He was shaken up about it but was calmer than he had been in the morning. Later that night he sent us a text thanking us for our prayers. It has been really neat this summer to see relationships grow and how many youth we have been able to attract to the center through the summer programs.

- Amanda

*slang for the Provincial Building

I have essentially become a shut in, after a fashion. Ok, maybe that is a little melodramatic, but I have spent a lot of time recently in front of a computer. I spent Monday morning at home helping out Lukas and spending hours trying to find a font online. Have you ever tried to match fonts? As in, you have a font in an image, don't know the name of the font, and then try to find it online? Challenging work. Yet such was the challenge before me as I tried to find the King's Kids font, a quest which as ultimately successful... albeit in a fashion which makes me feel like an idiot. As in, it was the very first font on the very first page in the search...
I suppose I should clarify what exactly I am talking about. On top of all of our street work and various volunteer responsibilities, there is a small group on the team who are busy working away on computer work: documenting the trip in video format, creating graphics for pamphlets and cards as well as designs for the Kaos Cafe at the up-coming InterPlay festival, and in my case, building the new King's Kids Promotions website. So look for that in the beginning for August!

- Mike

Monday, July 14, 2008

Lazy Posting

Ok, here is the latest. Sorry for not updating in forever, things here have been a little hectic lately. For me at least. Either way, lots of cool stuff has happened since the last update. Take for example yesterday. We, being the drama team, performed the Everything Skit (also known as the "Lifehouse skit") in both services at the McMurray Gospel Assembly and the team more or less ran the service last night at Fellowship Baptist Church. On Saturday we learned a little about the oil sand work at the Oil Sands Discovery Center. It was actually a pretty cool space, though a little on the small side. This way we should be able to understand people a little more when they talk about working on site.

Anyways, that is all I have to say for now. I'm going to get on myself about getting back into the rhythm of regular updating, so you should be seeing daily updates again. Here are some perspectives on the week from other team members to keep you sated for now.

- Mike

This week I was leading the soccer electives, but no one showed up. Later in the day thought I was able to convince enough people that it would be fun if they all came and played a game with me. We walked to the closest soccer field just down the road and had a great game of scrimmage. There were about 12 people there aged 10 - 23. It was just so awesome and exciting to see this random mix of people all having a great time running around and they respected and encouraged each other all the time. I don't know how often kids get together to play big games like that, but it seemed like everyone just loved having someone to play with.

I also talked to a girl who wants to quit smoking because she thinks its disgusting and misses her sense of smell. In the past she had managed to quit for about three weeks before starting again. She is cutting back gradually, but it will take a while to quit completely.

It has been awesome to see small differences in everyone we have been building relationships with. Whenever people hang out with us, they seem happy and enjoy just talking to us.

- Amanda

Thursday, July 3, 2008

It Rained Today!!!! LIGHTNING!!!!

So Wednesday we started electives for the kids which run out of the Dugout. I only had two guitars and need one myself so I could only teach one at a time. Not that there was a huge amount of interest or anything. I taught one lesson in the morning and one in the afternoon for about an hour and a half each with breaks and stuff. Making kids who have never played before play for long amounts of time is sooo not fun because those poor kids with their callousless fingers can`t handle the pain. I don't know if that sentence makes any sense, but oh well. I only do guitar lessons once during each music week so that won't be a big issue. The rest of the time I am doing drama. No kids have shown up for the morning session yet today but we will see about the afternoon. Amanda and I, being the awesome team that we are for Ink Speaks, are co-running the drama elective. Actually we spend most of Wednesday transcribing (when we were running electives) so we have definitely spent a lot of time together over the last week.

SO that is pretty much it so far. I am pretty boring these last few days. Just sit in my room in a dark corner, concentrate on my breathing, draw on myself in permanent marker... sometimes people will come and sit a plate of food in front of me and I may or may not eat it... I braid and unbraid the front pieces of my hair... Not much to my life really...

(Yes, that is an entirely last paragraph is a lie...)

- Sarah

I am starting to really get used to the schedules now and was able to hit the streets and get some tattoo stories done for the first time. All in all a good day I'd say.

- Jay

Hello people of the world! So, I totally could write about yesterday, but... I think that seeing as this is my first week here, I should probably talk about first impressions. Which were awesome!!!! I had an awesomely unique opportunity to see Fort McMurray that the others were denied. Mostly because I got to fly up here. And I mean, even with some of the negative things you hear about Fort Mac, seeing it from the air - with the sun pseudo-setting over a vast expanse of trees separated by a rift in the earth - well; it kind of disperses any negativity and makes a really, really good first impression. The other good first impressions-ness was that you can buy Coca-cola in glass bottles, lol. No, there are some really cool people here that I have met so far - Kayla as one example - and some really cool people that I hope to meet. Clowning around on Canada Day for 8 hours was also cool, as an aside. L-O-L.

Anyways, on to yesterday... we - Hannah, Jay and I - went to clean up "Humpty Dumpty", so named because it is by the Humpty Dumpty chip factory or something like that. Essentially, some heavy lifting and quick cleaning of a tonne of garbage. It was hot, but it was fun.

Oh! Quick story as an aside. I get to Keyano and I have like a bottle of water or something. And then I spend the next 10 minutes looking for a recycling bin. Which was apparently crazy of me because they don't recycle here. Go figure, eh?

PS. Today is America's birthday... and also Ailin's !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

- Mike

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Canada Day MADNESS!!!!

We interrupt this broadcast for a special news bulletin from Mike:

So, I have now been appointed as blogmaster and we are kicking Sarah out. lol, what goes around...

Three days, and I already think that Fort McMurray rox. I'm excited for the summer.
Just thought I would throw that in.

We now return to your normal Canada Day broadcast:

Yesterday was Canada day and we had lots of fun!!! I had the opportunity with nine others to be clowns in the parade. We walked and skipped behind the Kaos cruiser, giving candy to the kids. At noon we were at the Borealis Park around the dugout. Some of us dressed as clowns and others helped with the BB. We had lots of fun meeting the kids and making them smile. It was a great day to celebrate with the community of Fort McMurray.

So I was the creepiest clown ever, but it was actually pretty funny. Vivian from the Baptist church brought her face paint, which she has for doing dramas when she was in OM. It was cool, she did my face, Sarah and Sam's and it looked cool. We all started with a completely white face and the design went on top. Sarah had flowers and Sam had some weird geometric shapes but mine was like, stereotypical clown. I had the red smile, rosy red cheeks and actually some orange eyebrows and a red nose :o) It was exciting and fun. There were nine clowns.
Fort McMurray has some pretty insane festivities and FRED PENNER CAME!!! THAT'S RIGHT!! I SAW FRED PENNER LIVE!!! :D:D:D It was actually so amazing! :o) We then had drama where we did The Rock and The Lifehouse skit. I got uberly thrown about, and if you've ever seen the drama you'll understand how much the main character gets beat up. I was she and Adam enjoyed throwing me at the ground. It was actually pretty awesome looking and apparently really effective. There were a lot of positive comments surrounding it and apparently we're doing it again for some churches so that's pretty awesome. Overall, a great day.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Quite brief...

Yesterday I spent most of the day in the kitchen. Preparing hotdogs and pizza pops for the youth. With the help of two team mates and Kathy we prepared lunch and dinner, for lunch we had raps and for dinner pork chops and rice. We have kept the team well fed so that they can keep up the good work.

- Ailin

I unfortunately forgot Jay's post for the day back at the residence because Jay was so on the ball in getting it to me last night. I will try to get that up later tonight or put it with tomorrows up date because we are here until 10 tonight.

- Sarah

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wacky Wednesday... (wacky was Sam's suggestion)

So Wednesday was my third day working at the Dugout. It's been really awesome! There have been school groups in over the last few days so it's been busy, but really enjoyable. I'm beginning to get a hang of it and I'm excited for what's to come.

- Sam

Wednesday began with a visit to Girls Inc., a group formerly known as Big Sisters. The lady there shared with us the various activities they do – some as part of the curriculum of the school – and others as after school programs with teenage girls. It offers the girls the freedom and security of being away from guys – of putting on a show, and just being themselves. Unfortunately, they have budget and human resource constraints, and are thus in only one school per year. But it really sounds like a profitable program for the girls.

Adam and I went to the soup kitchen yesterday, and the highlight for me was seeing Luke. I first met Luke when he was drunk, sitting at a park bench. However, I had heard there was a change in his life because of a church service he went to at the Baptist church here, and when I spoke to him Wednesday, he shared he had been sober now for 3 days, and while difficult, God was helping him stay that way. He also shared of his desire to return home to a small coastal community in Nunavut, but the expense of the trip = $3000 was prohibitive, but that he was saving money. He said that normally he woke up each morning, broke from spending all his money on alcohol, but now was saving up his money. It really was nice to see Luke in control of his faculties!!

- Bill

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New friends

It seems every time I write this blog I've been in meetings, but yesterday just happened to be a meeting day with Norma and Genevieve about the youth street survival guide. It went well and that ball is rolling. Yesterday morning was sweet because Sarah and I were in the soup kitchen which was a lot of fun and it was the same people I worked with last week. They're pretty sweet, from the alliance church. There's this cute little girl named Suzanne and her brothers Devon and Dillon were there too. I actually got to talk to all of them and make garlic bread and it was a lot of fun. I didn't have too much interaction with the people using the facility though, which is unfortunate but I still got to talk to some people and that was also very cool. Monday I met a girl who came with her school named Anke who's from South Africa. They visit every two years, she lived there until she was almost 5 years old then they moved here and she likes that too. Things are starting to pick up and we're sending more people out into the community in two's and really interacting with people. I'm excited to see how it turns out. :o)


I got asked by a little fellow named Chase to go and play Chess. I told him that he’d have to explain the rules to me, and he agreed to these terms with a rather astounding eagerness. While he did seem to know what he was doing, the rules Chase abided by were far different from any I’d heard of before. However, being something of a Chess newbie, I didn’t make much of this. That was until my new friend Chase, began revealing key pieces of information as soon as they became relevant… and he was in a position to collect. Always quick on the uptake, I began drilling him with questions about his set of rules, haha. When I pointed out an inconsistency in what he was doing and what he was telling me I could do, he grinned impishly and said, “I thought you said you’d never played before…” I hastened to inform him that this fact in no way impaired my judgment and I was going to keep my eye on him to make sure he wasn’t trying to pull any metaphorical wool over my eyes.

It wasn’t long into the game before we were joined by a girl named Natalie, who attempted ever-so-valiantly to come to my rescue. The pair of us united mental forces and put up a strong defense (which, in this case, was a good offence) against Chase’s dark army. The whole series of chess games consisted predominantly of sending out the Queen (who, according to my good friend Chase, could pretty much go wherever she wanted – ignoring every obstacle, penetrating any and all lines of defense). Needless to say, victory was given to whoever rallied their omnipresent forces and appeared somewhat magically beside the opponent’s King. The rules of play were alien, and I still have the sneaking suspicion that Chase threw rules on the table at whim. But victory and defeat were each accompanied by good-humoured laughter by all parties… and, in that way, we were all continual winners.

- Melody

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The new kid on the block...

Well well...after the long four day trek I have finally arrived
and yesterday was my first day here in Fort McMurray.
I had some time to get oriented a bit with my surroundings
and get oriented.
Made my first trip out with the 'Ink Speaks' crew and had some
positive leads. All in all not a bad first day.

- Jay

I just got back from the Soup Kitchen with Seana. It was my
second trip there but I haven't been for about 2 weeks.
Again it was a great experience. I washed a lot more dishes
than before though, that's for sure. I did feel like I had
less interaction with the people coming to the Soup Kitchen.
I worked with new people this time as well. And I must add,
the chili was amazing and garlic bread was so delicious, we
brought some of the left over bread home with us. It was
great that we had enough food because last time we did end
up running out and made up a bunch of cheese and mayo sandwiches
because that is all we had.
Well ya, that's pretty much my day so far. I guess I was really
supposed to be talking about yesterday because that is how this
works but being the BLOG MASTER I feel I have the right to write
about what I want. HA! well maybe not...


Monday, June 23, 2008

KAOS Birthday Bash!

Yesterday morning after breakfast we all split up and went to different churches, after an awesome time of prayer and reflecting on the week over a late Sunday breakfast (by late I mean 8:30 instead of 8:00). Afterwards we hoped across the street to the station and started moving boxes to the Golden years society to set up for the KAOS Birthday party that afternoon. The event was awesome, it was amazing to hear how many lives Kaos has been affecting, even in only 1 year of being here! And the people that showed up were so supportive and just totally working to support this vision of lifting up the community. It was incredible. Afterwards we cleaned up and got back to the college around 4:30. We were exhausted though. It was a long weekend, but a total blessing to us too, because we really just got to see deeper into the good works that were going on in the city.

Afterwards we got back to Keyano and the rest of the team had arrived! We had a really good evening of relaxing and filling everyone in on what had been going on, and getting debriefed on their car ride. After a late night of talking and praying we all set in for a solid night sleep, because with the new team here, a new wave a workers had arrived.

- Jen

Hello there faithful readers!

I don’t even know if anyone is keeping up to date with this old blog but I’m gonna write and write I will. Yesterday was the big KAOS birthday party bash for their first birthday. It was exciting to hear different people’s stories of how KAOS has affected them over the past year. One family in particularly were arguing over the best station in town, and despite the efforts, KAOS won two against one. The mother and daughter were very happy with the variety of different music playing on the station and the great message it portrays, although the girl wasn’t too thrilled that she had awaken to Black Eyed Peas that morning.

There was cake, music, food and trivia, but most importantly great company with amazing people. I cruised around and took a bunch of pictures and talked with all the people who have helped raised and support this radio ministry. Thanks to all those who came out on Sunday, and special thanks to everyone who helped make it happen!

- Leah

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Updates and Apologies

I just want to say that I am very sorry for slacking on my duties as "Blog Master". We have been profusely busy but that is no excuse. I will be getting back into the grove of things and stay on schedule form now on. Now I did miss todays blog post and this one is technically for tomorrow. Therefor I will not update it tomorrow but will resume on Monday about Sunday. It is the KAOS Birthday Bash tomorrow so there will hopefully be lots to talk about. Also, the rest of our team should be showing up tomorrow so you will soon be hearing from more voices on here. And maybe not so much from me personally! haha I'm sure that would make you happier. I do have my own blog already after all. I think that is good for now. Have a good continued weekend.

- Sarah

Friday our team was able to volunteer in the Summer Solstice. It is this big event that is free for all to attend. It is targeted towards kids but everyone enjoys it. There is a free BBQ, face painting, a clown with balloons, bubbles, chalk drawing, bouncy castle, stage with live bands, etc. It was great to be outside all day setting up, tearing down, helping at various stations and the KAOS booth. I loved spending time with the kids at the bouncy castle as well as stopping random people to give them KAOS fliers and tell them about the station. Just being outside and doing a physical project was awesome.
So, Saturday was the big skate competition. There were not as many people as we thought would come out but it was still good. The competitors were able to show off their tricks and they all seemed to have a good time. We were also able to clean the 7/11 lot with the Tennessee team. It was a really good experience and a lot of fun too. We had a few people stop by to see what we were up to and one told us that we were wasting our time. For now the lot looks a lot better and it was great to do a project in the community.

- Amanda

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Food and Break-Ins

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday. And I'm pretty much on my own today because Jen isn't feeling well and Melody is back at Keyano doing work of some sort. But I will explain what happened yesterday that cause our non-posting.

So at 6 o'clock on Wednesday morning, the Dugout was broken into. We aren't sure who was behind it, but this is the 3rd time in 2 and a half weeks for break ins and we are quite sure the same people are behind all of them. The TV was smashed up and the back windows are broken and Tonya's office was broken into and money stolen. The cops never came yesterday and only got here this morning. They didn't get any fingerprints. We were off work yesterday and this morning so I didn't have access to good internet.

- Sarah

So we're still under investigation from the break-in. Sarah mentioned it before so the details are there. Yesterday was kind of relaxing, kind of not. With the break-in it meant that there was a free day available but it didn't end up being too free as I still had work to do and food to pick up - which finally came! Thank the Lord.

Lots of projects and a crazy weekend ahead. Oh! The other team left yesterday for here too! :) I'm excited for them to get here! :D YAY!

- Seana

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Monday Madness...

So I want to apologize to Hannah for not getting her post up yesterday. Here is it...a day later:

It is so good to have a day off after the weeks activities. Sunday morning we visited the Anglican Church where they were kind in having us stay for lunch afterwards. Then we all settled in for an afternoon of relaxing and catching up on laundry before heading breaking off into groups for evening church services. Some went to the McMurray Gospel Assembly while a couple others, including myself, returned to the Fellowship Baptist. It may not be that exciting, but it was fun day to hang out with people and relax for a bit.

- Hannah

Yesterday was a slower day with regards to youth coming in. No one showed up until almost 4:00. Last night we were all cleaning our suites like crazy because all this week is res inspections. If we don't pass- which is highly unlikely - our suite receives a fine. We also had our first chance to work on drama. I started teaching a few people The Rock, which is a powerful mime. It was so much fun to be doing drama again and I can't wait for it all to come together. I walked to the school boards with Kayla yesterday afternoon to drop off calendars for the Dugout. I hope kids take them home and show their parents so they can come to all our events this summer. That's all for now. To everyone who's reading - have an awesome summer.

- Amanda

I’ve now been here for just over a week, and yesterday was a good day.

Communication in the team is improving significantly, at least from my perspective!

In addition, we began to go out into the streets of Fort Mac in pairs, to meet the teenagers and invite them back to the Dugout. Jen and I went out yesterday, for about an hour, from roughly 2:30 to 3:30, and went to the Alberta Provincial Building, where we met a number of youth, some of whom we already had contact with. We also went to the Peter Pond Mall, and met a couple there, returned to the Provincial Building and made some more contacts, and then returned to the Dugout.

We also officially began our daily participation in the Soup Kitchen, hosted by the Fellowship Baptist Church. Once I get more information about the Food Wagon – a Salvation Army ministry – we will also be participating in that.

- Bill "Yo" Yeo

Monday, June 16, 2008

Our super busy weekend...

Yesterday we had the possibility to visit the Anglican Church in the morning, and the Baptist and MGA churches in the evening. It was a day to rest and recover our strength for the week that it ahead of us. We are looking forward to another week doing our different activities.

- Ailin

Hey, so we did laundry yesterday! What a blessing it is to have washing machines... Oh and I am sorry for not updating on weekends. They are not that busy, but it is difficult to find a computer and/or internet access while we are at home. Yes, I have taken to calling the Purple Palace our home.
Saturday was rather uneventful. I was at the Dugout for about 4 hours, but only a couple kids were here. It was pretty rainy so the skate park was abandoned too. That night we saw The Incredible Hulk with Alan from KAOS. Awesome movie! I am actually starting to get in to the whole superhero thing. And that is pretty much our weekend...not so busy. Yah... that title was meant to be ironic...

- Sarah

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yesterday was the REZZ DAWGS who are some cool rappers from Fort McKai (sp?). They were sweet, and I'm usually not one for rap but they were good. We were supposed to have the skate jam but it got rained out, which was really sad. I got to talk to this skater named John though, he's into learning languages, like Norwegian. He can read German and understand it but can't speak it because he learned from books. He also used to do this crazy Vietnamese martial art that he doesn't know the name of because he only ever heard its name in Vietnamese and has been out of it for so long that he doesn't remember. He also used to speak Vietnamese as his first language, but can only remember little things. He's apathetic toward religion in general... random things I learned from him talking about Norway. It's cool.
Today, Saturday is supposed to be our day off but we're splitting into three directions this afternoon and joining again for a steak dinner. I love steak.

Friday, June 13, 2008

"The Meating"

So yesterday was great. We had a meeting with all the youth agencies from Fort McMurray and me and Jen gave a speech about our team. Then Bill, Jen and I went out worked on the Winnebago. It was great. Bill got the nick name "the Work Mule".

- Peace, Love and Happiness,

Yesterday we had a big meeting with all of the social service agencies in town. This will enable us to help the youth we are talking with to get help with people who are trained in that field of interest. Although I don’t have the resources to aid a child in finding a home or getting a job, to help them out of an addiction or abusive situation, I now know where I can bring them, and someone who cares will be able to get them the help they need. It was exciting to see all of the organizations connecting and networking, so that rather than working in competition they can work as a team for the greater good of these teens, to give them hope in Fort McMurray, where it sometimes seems very dark. Already we’ve encountered numerous teens who are couch hopping, who are doing drugs because they’re “bored”. Hopefully this summer we can give them the opportunity and tools to enjoy a healthy lifestyle and have some fun! I’m excited to see where this summer will take us.

- Leah

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rock Band miracle and Melody's adventures!

Yesterday morning was the same old policy formation, cleaning and setting up as usual. Got to play some pool which was nice; got massacred by Adam three times in a row though. In the afternoon we had a few kids trickling in, got to play some basketball, however I spent most of my time walking around downtown with Leah and Kayla, handing out donation letters and picking up some stuff for the center. It was boiling out! Already, its the beginning of June in Northern Alberta and scorching hot! We met up with some of the kids we knew hanging out downtown too, which was cool. It is awesome that already we are making connections with youth and getting to know different groups. We had some great conversations and invited them out, which was cool because they did come by later. It turned out to be an amazing afternoon, We had a ton of youth pour in right at the end, had a birthday cake for Sarah (Happy Birthday Sarah!) and got into some amazing conversations with people and really started getting to know people. One of the things we’ve been hoping for is to get a Rock-band kit donated, because the one we have is dying out and probably leaving the center soon. While we were out, we met this guy who donated us a system just from hearing what we are doing, bought it right there in the game store, without even blinking. It was amazing! We were so stunned and just thanked him so much. It was definitely a blessing! Rock band is one of the main things people come here for, so that we get to continue to offer it and use it is amazing.
Afterwards, a few of us got to go down to the station and mess around on air a bit which was fun, and then we headed home for a quick debrief and getting ready for the interagency meeting tomorrow so we have hands on access to the different agencies in town. I’m speaking at it though so i better get some sleep!

- Cheers, Jen

Lukas and I, along with Travis and Alex (two randoms drawn in by the poster I made announcing upcoming Dugout events – yaaaay for posters!) played some Rock Band today. Our random, computer generated band name was the Damp Hats – this, I think, is actually rather catchy. This marked what was probably my third, maaaaybe fourth time playing Rock Band; I’m still primarily attached to my laptop. We Rocked Out until supper, when we parted ways to fill our rampaging stomachs. I noticed a random guy hanging around in the kitchen while we were all gathering for supper. He was soon introduced to us as Tyler – the hero who, just today, bought and donated a brand-spanking-new Rock Band to the Dugout.

Somehow (I can’t remember how it came to be… just another testament of how awful my short term memory is becoming…) Tyler and I ended up talking; we had a marvelous chat about Sun Core, where he works as a valve operator. I made him tell me all about its inner workings and he gave me what I think was a customary “This Topic May Cause Drowsiness” disclaimer. He told me all about the oil refining process, and I shared some Quaker Oats stories (like how the whole experience could be described as a lesson in inefficiency), and even went into an in depth explanation of Man Hoists. We soon discovered a shared hatred of working at Tim Horton’s – turns out the pair of us are Timmy’s veterans and each of us had worked under rather ‘interesting’ managers.

Later that evening, at the Palace, I decided that it had been too long since we’d seen our good friends and neighbours: the boys next door. I voiced that we should go over for a visit when we didn’t have some hidden agenda like borrowing their baking sheet, kettle or frying pan. So, we all moseyed on over at about 9:30pm for some sparkling conversation, some deep discussion and an all around good time. It was shortly after midnight thirty when we extricated ourselves from the place to get some much needed sleep. Oh – other random highlight: we saw a truck today that had “Insured by MAFIA – you hit me, we hit you” written on it. Hahaha… toodles!

- Melody (like a song)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Soup Kitchen

Sorry it is so late today, but we didn't get into the Dugout until 10:15 and I had to leave to go serve at the soup kitchen. It was pretty good. I met a few people but we were all pretty much stuck in the kitchen dishing out cream of broccoli and cauliflower soup, sloppy joe's and corn. I saw Francois* there, who I am interviewing later today for Ink Speaks, and I met this guy who called himself Randy River. He was a character for sure. He actually asked me to marry him a couple times while I was sweeping. I guess a good cleaning skills really does attract a man! haha Totally kidding! I met some really nice lady's who were also serving along with me and Bill. Oh and today is my birthday! I am 19! That is pretty much my day so far. Now I'm off to play pool.

- Sarah

Yesterday was tonnes and tonnes of meetings. It was good though, it got quite a bit of things laid out. There was a group meeting, a meeting with leaders and Kayla about electives and other programming and a meeting with just leaders, the debriefing, the brief leader meeting after that. So tonnes of meetings, however aside from meetings I didn't get to play Rock Band because of the meetings, haha, but that's okay. Amanda's team won. We're brushing up on our pool skillz though because apparently I am not good... at all. That's okay though, there seems to be a bit of practice time left in my future. I met Travis today who is very good at pool, maybe he'll teach me something?

- Seana

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The new guy (Bill) and Joe's* Story

Hi there! My name is Bill, and I was born and raised in Peterborough ON.
I am here as part of this team from Ontario to help the city of Fort McMurray deal with the social issues they are facing – the drug addiction, prostitution, and at high-risk youth. The venue is a youth drop in centre called the Dugout.
Monday was my first full day at the Dugout, as I arrived here on Friday. One of the staff, Kayla, this afternoon took us around the city, as she took a flyer around to the two school boards, looking for permission to give this flyer – the monthly schedule of events at the Dugout – to all the students. We also talked to Dan, one of the youth known from the Dugout, who later showed up back at the centre. Kayla also introduced herself and us to another girl we had not yet met, and hopefully started a relationship with this girl.
I also was trained on the snack bar, how to ring items into the cash register, and other related duties.
An impressive first day!

Recently I had the opportunity to talk to Joe*. He dropped out of high school to go pro with BMX riding. He has been riding for 10 years but regrets his choice because this career's shelf life is quite short. Joe wishes that he stayed in school and would be able to be in college right now. He is a mechanic and is going to get his license soon, then hopefully will be able to go back to school. He told us that he thinks it's a waste of time spending all day riding on his bike and he would rather be working all day or be in school learning something. Most people judge others before they even meet them and just assume that they are trouble. Fort McMurray is no different than any other place in Canada, it only seems that way because only the bad news is shared with outsiders. There are many kids like this and they all have so much potential and want to do something with their life. Some of them are just stuck in a rut and need help to get out.

- Amanda

Monday, June 9, 2008

Good Times....

Hey! My name’s Lukas! I’m the videographer on the team. I’m going to be working on some videos for local organizations and a full length movie for the team. The full length movie is going to be uploaded in parts every once in awhile to you tube under the user “KaosRepo” so you’ll be able to see what and how we’re doing here! I met Rick Kirschner on a mission trip to Ecuador in 2004. During the fall of 2007, he offered me a small cubicle office at the Kaos Radio station in Peterborough. In exchange I would make videos for him and Kaos Radio anytime. I’ve owned a small unregistered free-lance video production company that I call Good Times Productions for over 5 years making videos for a lot of different people, events, charities, churches, organizations, concerts, television shows, and competitions around Ontario. I decided to come on this trip to gain more knowledge and experience with video production and hope that some of my videos might impact the people of Fort McMurray. If you have any questions about the videos, feel free to e-mail me at lukas@kaosradio.com.


My name is Ailin, and I have been put in charge of the Kitchen. This means that I am the one who keeps the team fed. This task keeps me most of the time close to the dugout where we eat our meals. On Saturday we divided our team in two and half the team went to the dugout and the other half went to clean the Kaos radio station. We had that evening off to relax, so we went to Rick's apartment and had BBQ steak for supper, and went for a hike. We had a fun weekend and are looking forward for another week at the dugout.


Alright back to me. Funny story about our hike. We went for a hike like Ailin said. (Her name is pronounced Eye-lean by the way, as in "I lean on the wall".) Elizabeth, Rick's daughter took us through the woods near their house. Caterpillars are everywhere here and one landed on my leg and I cried a little. Then as we were hiking we heard this guy yelling "Bear in two minutes. Bear in two minutes." Elizabeth was just like guys let go! And we all started moving rather quickly through the bush. Adam and Hannah had decided to go down the landslide and we working their way up. As she was climbing, yelled up to us, "Guys, he's saying BEER!" Apparently, he was drunk and a few guys were having a party on the lookout... So basically we were running from a non-existent bear. Oh and the guy told us a great story about how bears can't run downhill using very colourful language afterward... Fun Times!

- Sarah

Saturday, June 7, 2008


Hey hey!

Melody here. Apparently I'm on duty for the update today! I've been pretty much chained to my computer the last four days, as I've been landed with a rather large amount of design-related to-do-list-items. Who would've thought that my Fine Art skills would suddenly become such a sought after commodity? Anyways, the highlight of my day yesterday was when my good friend Amanda dragged me off to the skate park (it was my first jaunt out there since our arrival). We spent a rather awe-struck afternoon in fierce admiration of the vast array of talents that are out there. Bikers, skateboarders, and I even heard rumour of some inline skaters... and then the people like me - who just watched the goings-on, jaw to the floor. I made darn sure that I got to meet everyone that set foot on the premises, whether they wanted to meet me or not ;). Needless to say, there were some jokes, some laughter, definitely some skills and a whole lot of good times all around. Annnnnd, I'm thinkin' that as soon as I'm done this post, I'm off on another skate park adventure!

- Melody Telford

Friday, June 6, 2008

Rainy Days and MIAs...

Yo! What up dawgs, ladies and gents, boys an cows. yesterday this place was happinin, well maybe not so much. We had a bit a rain and so the the skate part was dead. Up at the dugout though there was some people shredding the rock band and Missy was ripping the guitar. Jesse was chilling and had a few games of pool. Overall a great day peace.

- Adam

Another day spent at the Dugout. It was a slower day today. I am definitely looking forward to the summer though when there will be more kids around throughout the day as most of the activity now does not really start until after 4-4:30. It has been good though. A couple of groups came in today for ongoing games of Rock Band, ping-pong and pool and of course skating down at the park and all I can say is that their skills are amazing. It is also so cool way to connect to the kids through these as they come back to play daily and have the opportunity to teach us about what they are good at. It has been opening the doors to a lot of good conversations growing friendships and trust. I only think the saddest part of the day here at the Dugout is closing for the night and having to ask the kids to leave, of course it will be open later during the summer and on weekends but if only we could all stay for as long as the interest and kids were there. However, the staff who are here are amazing for doing everything they can here. We just do not have enough people to run far into extended hours, which is one of the reasons we are really hoping to get the people we meet fired up and committed to keeping the project going themselves. On another great note though, we got to meet Joanne from AADAC (Alberta Alcohol & Drug Abuse Commission) who comes every Thursday afternoon to be available for the kids here. It was neat because we all got to talk to her and pick her brain about the area and organizations and resources we can bring kids too when they are ready to get out lifestyles which may otherwise consume them. Then next week there is going to be meeting with about 40 such organizations briefing us and preparing material to hand out to those we meet. As such, all goes well on the fourth day of this awesome experience.

- Hannah

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Guitars, Blades, and other fun stuff...

Well, we are now designating two people a day to write up their stories so that I don't have to do everything. Today we have Amanda and Jen:

This afternoon Seana and I went to the skate park to check it out and see what was going on. It was really cool just to see how everything worked out without us doing anything. We started just sitting to the side on a ledge and just watching all the people there: two rollerbladers, five bikers and one skateboarder. Slowly the three older boys started to do crazy tricks and ‘show off’, at the same time as moving closer on the ramps to where we were sitting. Eventually they all were taking a break right beside us and we were able to start up conversations with them. We got to know a little bit about all three of them, but one 18 year old boy, Chance*, talked to us a lot about the last couple years of his life. He is really good on roller blades, even though he has only been going for 2 years, but does not have much time to go to the skate park to practice. Chance is paying $500 a month to sleep on a floor of his step dads- not even in his own room, helps his mom pay rent and works many hours a week. All of this on top of trying to do his entire grade 11 year of school in one semester because he had to work all last semester. Chance is super smart and loves school but he doesn't have time to do his homework to keep up his grades or sometimes even to go to school. His favourite subject is history and his last class he finished he got 98% in. He wants to finish his grade 11 this year and then save enough money to leave Fort McMurray. When asked where he is going to go he responded with “anywhere but here”.

- Amanda

It was only our third day working at the dugout, but around mid day we had kids just pouring into this youth center. They came from Fort McKay, which is reserve land about 45 minutes north of Fort McMurray, with a lot of first Nations communities. This one of the most effected regions outside of Fort McMurray by the oil sands, because the observations of rights for the first nations peoples is incredibly limited, and because it is so close to the sands it is just being hugely affected environmentally and socially as well.

These kids were amazing though, they came in for a school trip to use the water park, but since a pipe had busted in it about a week ago, they all poured into the center and we really got to engage them in here instead. It was such a blessing to us, because I have never met youth that were so enthusiastic about getting involved in different activities, and just wanting to learn so much. It was amazing. I was able to organize a soccer game out back with a couple of other staff, and we got the kids running around which was just awesome, and really reminded me of the power behind team-building and life lessons that can be pulled from sports. It was also very powerful being able to pour into them, as they really responded to us just caring about them and wanting to know about their lives. Many of them also really responded well to music and wanting to learn guitar and drumming and vocals etc. We were all just really excited to use our talents also in engaging them, and it was incredible how they lifted each other up in everything that they were doing and just really positively interacting to each other. The teachers seemed really grateful for the afternoon, but we were blessed by it too. It seems that although the sands take such a huge toll on communities such as that of the Youth of Fort McKay, there is still people working really hard for positive change, and the youth that came in here were amazing. Hopefully we will get to see them later on this summer!


As Jen said, these kids were amazing. They were rocking out on Rock Band, Seana was teaching a little chorus of girls how to play djembe and one girls asked me to teach her to play guitar. It was the most fun thing of my day! One girl after another wanted to learn and then asked me to play a song for them. So now we are thinking of making beginners guitar as an elective during the summer! Soo excited!
- Sarah

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rockin' At The Dugout!

So I have now been appointed as the blogger and we are kicking Seana out.

So yesterday, we hung out at the dugout. It was pretty slow for the first few hours. Once school got out though, the place was hoppin'. We had a Rock Band tournament scheduled for 4-6pm. It really didn't start until 5-ish though because no one seemed to be that interested. I actually had to run outside as a group of kids were walking by and tell them the tourney was going on, but we eventually had three teams of 3. Team one: Cassie, Manal, and Delvin. Team two: Dustyn, Cordell, and me. Team three: Missy, Seana, and Alex. We had two rounds and whoever had the highest number of points after both won. It was a close call, but I definitely failed on those drums during the second song. I was on medium difficulty, which ended up being a lot tougher than I though it would be. Some kids were crazy! Missy is definitely incredible. She rocks hard every time. Pretty much every kid who played could beat me pretty thoroughly. Noah was originally going to be on our team but he had to get going. In the end, team one finished first and got free slushies AND they were the first to sign our Rock Band Champs Summer '08 guitar shaped poster.

I never got a chance to get out to the skate park but I heard some pretty great tales. Apparently there are some crazy BMXers around. Mark and Eric, I am told, were "ripping". (I'm not really up on my skater lingo.) They are part of a bike group the Peasantry (I hope I spelled that right Leah). Then there were to wicked skaters named Brandon and Brandon who were definitely blowing Adam right out of there. Oh and at one point, kids were out on the lawn flipping. Yes, just showing off all the crazy flips they could do. It was soo crazy! I was scared someone was going to get kicked in the face.

Alright so that is pretty much what was happening. A lot of the day was spent just hanging out and getting to know kids. There is always a ping pong or pool game going on and usually someone banging on a djembe. And there is the constant noise of Rock Band going on in the background. There is a different activity every day. Today is volunteer day so you will hear more on that tomorrows post.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The rest of the Adventure Until Now - from Mailun

Day Two:

Rick has fallen and he can’t get up. His skateboarding career has come to a skidding halt, after trying to skate down a ramp and falling hard on his side. He got back up and the only sign of injury we could see was his bloody elbow. Soon he wasn’t feeling very well, we decided we should get him to a hospital as his breathing became shallow as it gave him serious pain to breathe deep and also to raise his right arm above his shoulder level. After three hours in the little town of Marathon, we were on our way again with an injured, but diagnosed and drugged leader. Rick ended up with a couple broken ribs and a few probably cracked. His driving days for this trip are now over and he has moved to the car. Now it is myself and Sarah driving the car and Amanda and Adam taking over the van. Interestingly enough, we were able to reflect on His grace and all the things He has provided for us. He took away the opportunity to have the Winnebago, which was good because Rick was the only one who could drive it. We were merely minutes away from the nearest hospital, He blessed us with a couple people who have first aid and the hospital was rather quiet so he got in quickly. He even kept us moderately on track with scheduling and kept Rick from hitting his head off the cement. The injuries were not that bad in comparison to what they could’ve been and we were very thankful. We arrived in Thunder Bay VERY late but on track with our schedule, not a day behind.

Day Three:

Today has been a long day, we slept on a hard cement floor, in the basement of Farrand Street Bible Chapel. They were very kind and left us tonnes of food, unfortunately we got there very late from Marathon. Sarah took the first drive in the rain and drove for around 5.5 hours straight before we traded off, just before the border of Ontario and Manitoba in the town of Kenora. One thing I noticed about driving in Manitoba, aside from how flat it is, is that it doesn’t have near as many road signs and helpful things like that to help you find your way – it’s more of an, OH that was my turn... type deal, haha. We’ve also decided that it is exactly like the picture on their license plates – road, wheat, trees. All this in a very flat kind of way... I drove for a little more than 6 hours today on this wonderfully flat road, though there is the odd turn in the road you generally go pretty straight too. Eventually we found Fairford and got to see Dorothee in her natural habitat, the sheep farm. It was awesome, we got there at 8pm and they had dinner ready to go and had waited to eat so that they could eat with us. Their table can sit like, 20 people, it was incredibly long, and the food was amazing. We then went on a walk and got to play with sheep! There was a baby sheep next to the deck that was an orphan and sick but very sweet. We went into the stable where there were 10-15 of newly born infants (be them triplets or left behind) and got to help feed them. I think we were all pretty excited. They also had 6 ducks, haha. We went into the chicken coop and got to see them all put to bed. We also played with Frank, the orphan cow, a sweet but timid animal. The rest was great, sleeping in a room with just the KLBC girls and me on Dort’s bed, I got a pretty good sleep and was out when my head hit the pillow.

Day Four:

Stopped in Insinger, it is a tiny little ghost town where literally no one lives. It was strange, we stopped for bathrooms and food to find no one. The whole town is gone. We found two men, renovators of a house around the corner and they said that no one was there, some people moved away for bigger towns and others died but it’s been abandoned for around 5 or 6 years and the buildings looked it too, aside from one or two places everything looked either burned or broken, dead – just plain dead. Funny enough we went to a little place called Sheol and the lady who worked there said she was from Insinger, it was all we could do not to laugh hysterically, but she quickly told us that she lives in the country and suddenly the world made sense.

We stopped in North Battleford, which is an hour out of the camp we’re staying in (not in Hobbema) in Neilburg Saskatchewan, very close to the border. It’s cool because it means every night we stayed in a different province (except that the first two nights were in ON but we won’t talk about that.

Day Five:

Everything went well until we got stranded just 235km outside of Fort McMurray when the van died. Smoke billowed out of the hood and it took practically all of our water to cool it down. We broke down about 4pm and I called CAA which was actually good, because I got us a free tow to Fort Mac, and someone to follow in and not get lost. We waited for three hours for the tow truck and when it came, it was glorious. Yet, the Lord still showed us that He is with us, allowing us to be found and the tow to be free and just in range (as it is only free up to 300km). It seems since we didn’t take the Winnebago, God has given the group some major bonding time, when there’s nothing else to do but hang out. Amanda learned a little djembe which was fun too. We arrive in fort mac around 9pm, at pizza and got settled into the purple palace, and it is purple. Sweet accommodations though!

Day Six:

Today was the first day in the Dug Out and very fun. I was surprised with how beautiful the place was and was definitely picturing the whole town differently however it was very sweet and I think we’ll have fun. I got readdicted to Rock Band and Sarah is now too and we played with kids all late afternoon/early evening. I played ping-pong with a cool kid named Noah and am really just trying to figure out what to do when I’m there. It’s just like I don’t know what is expected of me at all and anytime I try to figure out it just frustrates me.

We saw the 7/11 lot too, the lot next to it is smaller than I expected but it’ll be cool when we can build the stage.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Driving Day ONE

I was dubbed first driver from Peterborough to Innisfil Ontario, which is about a two hour drive but really, the hardest portion of the drive to Bruce Mines Ontario. It turns out we’ve taken a van and a car – a Lumina which is a girl named Mailun – May for short… or if you’re Sarah – Mail for short.. or lun. So anyway, we ended up having to KAOS before we left and thus left at 10:20am, arriving in Innisfil at 12:30 – lunch time. The ride up was kind of scary. I got to be the first driver and break ‘er in. It wasn’t so bad, I drove on the 401 for the first time which was cool but scary a little, and Rick likes to pass people, haha. So far the only truly annoying thing has been the stupid Transport Trucks, cutting people off and rear ending.. but we did have one nice transport guy who actually let us in to the line to stay behind Rick. We’ve had a couple “buddies” who seemed to be going to the same place and thus kind of stuck with us, haha. I’m thinkin’ our car is pretty cool, we also have Melody in here, true entertainment seems to come with the lovely conglomeration of us. I’m sure the van is having some fun too, but I suppose I’m biased. We’ve been playing music, listening to movies from the front seat while the back seat watches them, we passed a family nudist park sign which made us laugh and Sarah and I had a good laugh when we saw the “Soft Shoulders” sign. This tag-team driving is actually pretty awesome, and our entourage is doing well. We’ve been driving for over 5 hours (though fortunately not straight) which means we’re in the long haul of the last 3.5 hours to Bruce Mines. With Amanda driving, Melody navigating (we’ve kind of paired off so that when Amanda is driving, Mel is navigating. When Sarah is driving I am navigating and when I am driving Sarah is navigating, though we’ve told Amanda that if she ever has the urge to navigate, I’m sure we’d be more than welcoming of a switch, haha. You can tell she’s jumping at the opportunity.) Sarah playing Sudoku and myself writing this – we’re set for the day. OH! We also played the Inukshuk game! There are so many around we decided that when you see one and yell it out you get ten points… then when we saw piles of rocks that used to be Inukshuks we decided to call it quits, there were just too many. So far we’ve only passed one accident, which was interesting but taken care of. Emergency vehicles were there fast, the OPP passed us on its way there and ten minutes down the road, there it was. Anyway, we also have passed a LOT of construction. There have been lots with the men holding the flip slow/stop signs and the last one Adam jumps out of the van (we’re stopped watching from the car behind wondering what on earth he’s doing) and offers the construction guy some Goldfish that Leah brought. It was pretty funny. So, more road stories to come I’m sure. Day one, well in progress!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Who are You?

Who are you? When the fur hits the fan, what will you become? Living perpetually outside of what you know, what you're familiar with, who will you become?

This is one of the things I am most apprehensive about. Those leaving in two days will be spending three months in the zone between comfort and panic; the learning zone. I'm coming later, so I'll have slightly less time in that zone, but that is not the point. The point is this: the further you get outside of your comfort zone, the more layers are pulled back from whatever façade you knowingly or unknowingly present to the world.

It is like languages. You can learn, master, become bilingual, trilingual, multilingual in any number of languages. But no matter what, in times of duress, stress and difficulty you will always revert back to your mother tongue. End of story.

So then, what is going to happen up there? When we are stretched thin, stressed out and ready to break - as will inevitably happen at least once - what will the "mother tongue" of our personality sound like?

Than, I suppose, is part of my fear. That there is some dark, dirty part of my personality that I am subconsciously suppressing which is just waiting to rear its ugly head for all the team to see. That my personality just won't cut it under pressure.

The prognosis is not all bad, however. Even as it is possible that we could, I could, crack outside of our comfort zones, it is just as possible that we have some hidden reserve - of leadership, strength, who knows what? - that is just as eagerly waiting to be let go.

As of yet, God only knows.

But we will find out soon enough.


=Annwas Adeniawc=

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Mike here!

As we post stuff here, don't be afraid to comment on what we write! We'd love to hear what you guys think in regards to our posts and get some feedback... we'd just love to hear from you in general. Commenting is kind of like giving us a connection back home, and one that lets us know that people are actually reading this, lol.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

First Post

As the team slowly filters onto this site, posts about our trip, journals, prayers reqs. etc. will be posted... HERE