Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Driving Day ONE

I was dubbed first driver from Peterborough to Innisfil Ontario, which is about a two hour drive but really, the hardest portion of the drive to Bruce Mines Ontario. It turns out we’ve taken a van and a car – a Lumina which is a girl named Mailun – May for short… or if you’re Sarah – Mail for short.. or lun. So anyway, we ended up having to KAOS before we left and thus left at 10:20am, arriving in Innisfil at 12:30 – lunch time. The ride up was kind of scary. I got to be the first driver and break ‘er in. It wasn’t so bad, I drove on the 401 for the first time which was cool but scary a little, and Rick likes to pass people, haha. So far the only truly annoying thing has been the stupid Transport Trucks, cutting people off and rear ending.. but we did have one nice transport guy who actually let us in to the line to stay behind Rick. We’ve had a couple “buddies” who seemed to be going to the same place and thus kind of stuck with us, haha. I’m thinkin’ our car is pretty cool, we also have Melody in here, true entertainment seems to come with the lovely conglomeration of us. I’m sure the van is having some fun too, but I suppose I’m biased. We’ve been playing music, listening to movies from the front seat while the back seat watches them, we passed a family nudist park sign which made us laugh and Sarah and I had a good laugh when we saw the “Soft Shoulders” sign. This tag-team driving is actually pretty awesome, and our entourage is doing well. We’ve been driving for over 5 hours (though fortunately not straight) which means we’re in the long haul of the last 3.5 hours to Bruce Mines. With Amanda driving, Melody navigating (we’ve kind of paired off so that when Amanda is driving, Mel is navigating. When Sarah is driving I am navigating and when I am driving Sarah is navigating, though we’ve told Amanda that if she ever has the urge to navigate, I’m sure we’d be more than welcoming of a switch, haha. You can tell she’s jumping at the opportunity.) Sarah playing Sudoku and myself writing this – we’re set for the day. OH! We also played the Inukshuk game! There are so many around we decided that when you see one and yell it out you get ten points… then when we saw piles of rocks that used to be Inukshuks we decided to call it quits, there were just too many. So far we’ve only passed one accident, which was interesting but taken care of. Emergency vehicles were there fast, the OPP passed us on its way there and ten minutes down the road, there it was. Anyway, we also have passed a LOT of construction. There have been lots with the men holding the flip slow/stop signs and the last one Adam jumps out of the van (we’re stopped watching from the car behind wondering what on earth he’s doing) and offers the construction guy some Goldfish that Leah brought. It was pretty funny. So, more road stories to come I’m sure. Day one, well in progress!


Mike said...



Sounds like an exciting time... if this is what the first day is like, well, imagine how much fun you guys are going to have once you hit Saskatchewan! All that wheat! All that nothing! Imagination gone crazy!! W00T!


(Can you tell I'm going a little stir crazy here?? Ah, but portaging tomorrow!)

Family nudist park... what will they come up with next?!?>.<

Bill Yeo said...

I can just imagine Adam doing that! LOL. Hope you guys are all having fun. Praying for you. Can't wait to join you next week!

And Seana - I left a message on your cell phone with the information you requested... Do/would you like an email with that information?

Anonymous said...

yes please!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a successful first day! I am psyched that you guys got a good start....but I would have thought that Sarah would be writing and Seana would be playing Sudoku...hmmm...
Praying for you all!!
Pam :D

Sarah said...

Are you kidding! I am a Sudoku addict!

Anonymous said...

oooo i usually start a the sudoku ppuzzles in english class when we're... ahem... 'reading' the newspapers, but i usually finish them up in at the start of math class... i can be such an addict sometimes:D woo! ~Andrea

Mike said...

HEY! What is this??? I go away for three days and expect three more updates, and where are they???????

lol, just yanking your chain.

I just have one question for you:


Sarah said...

No one knows what you are talking about...

Mike said...

Powerthirst. Rocket Edition

Mike said...

Its amusing... though better when my friend Ethan does it. Like, 24/8 on the canoe trip.